currently attending the University of Southern California as a Film and Television Production Major, Ben Ephraim is a Filmmaker and Photographer based out of the DMV area. With film as his main medium, he primarily focuses on writing, directing, and editing short films, mostly producing in the dramatic narrative genre. He also self-produces various pieces from promotional and marketing videos, to music videos, etc. Ben also doubles as an avid cinematographer, working and collaborating on many other projects and short films, bringing his technical and creative expertise, on the visual side, to the table. Ben will also pick up other crew roles on films depending on the project.
While film takes priority for Ben, Photography has been a major creative outlet for him and has allowed him to grow his technical and innovative skills. Ben loves to explore various locations and give his own spin on portrait photography, but also thrives in self-produced and/or forced photos that allow him to create photos with more of a clear narrative or message.
Ben loves to grow as an artist and person, and is excited to see where his endeavors in film and photography will take him, and what is left for him to create.
As a filmmaker I seek to tap the subconscious of the human mind. My work is interactive, in the sense that the audience is not a viewer but a participant. My work connects with the viewer without imposing one obvious message, and instead has minute, subtle impacts on the viewer, which change the way they perceive and think. I use film as a venue to deconstruct the human mind onscreen and connect with it offscreen. Half of this interaction comes through the visual storytelling of what is onscreen, and the subtext that is written into the work. Through these experiences I hope to give the viewer a chance to re-evaluate their own, and or people of society’s behavior, and reasonings that drive them to exist the way they do.